Bedtime is always a special time in our house, especially with our eldest son, as He understands the routine of story time, songs and prayers a bit more. Reading to my boys is a very important part of life in our house. I believe it teaches them, grows imagination (which i believe lacks alot these days) but it also creates a special bond with you and your child. Latley we have moved to the beginning of a new phase in 'story time' world. The world of bookmark books. By this I mean books that you can't finish in one sitting. Our first ever "bookmark book" was Peter Pan. He loved it! At(only just)4 years old, he doesn't necissarily remember everything that we read the previous night, but He is lapping it up and keeps asking for more!
1) If your child was not talking much before now, she will probably start this year. Reading helps give her lots of words.
2) Older toddlers enjoy stories with repetition, so they can anticipate and follow along.
3) Simple concept books can be introduced, such as books about colors, shapes, or counting.
4) Two year olds are developing very specific likes and dislikes. Keep this in mind and let your child pick out books to hear.
5) This is the year children often make the transition between sturdy board books to paper picture books. Begin to set some limits on how books are treated, but expect your child to forget these rules.
1) Most public libraries have a preschool story time. See about enrolling your child.
2) If your child watches television and videos, limit the amount of time and choose programs carefully.
3) Animal stories and other stories with a simple plot are popular with this age group. Silliness and exaggerated humor can be appreciated.
4) Illustrations are still a focal point, so choose books with lots of pictures.
5) Preschoolers can relate what they read to their world. Try a book about FARM animals after a trip to the fair, holiday books, or read about fire engines after you see one on the street.
1) Pre-kindergarten children are ready for longer stories with fewer pictures.
2) Your child may become interested in the actual words on the page, and pretend to "read." Follow with your finger as you read, pointing to words as you say them. This teaches that we read from left to right and helps show the connection between print and language.
3) You will still enjoy rhyming text and repetition.
4) Some children are learning to recognize their letters or even write their names.
When your child enters school and begins to read on his own, that does not mean you should quit reading aloud. Keep feeding your child stories and language. Set aside twenty minutes a day for reading together. The results will be seen in the years to come.
Well I hope you have been encouraged and inspired to keep storytime alive in your house :)
Lauren x
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